Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Not To Wear (Inner Self Edition)

Today, my 7 year old picked out her clothes for church. I don't make them "dress up", they choose their own clothes and if it's not a complete fashion disaster, I let them wear it. Well, she came out with a plaid skirt that I would consider more of a winter look, and a pink shirt. The skirt was a bit too short (not too bad, but not long enough to wear without some leggings) so we picked out some leggings to wear under it. Then it was time to fix hair. She'd gone to bed with all of her in one big braid last night (to prevent tangles) and so it was kind of wavy. Overall, not the best look, but I wasn't going to make her change. After all, going to church isn't about wearing the coolest clothes, it's about worshipping God, nurturing the soul, growing in Him and fellowship with other believers, isn't it?

After I walked away from the slight fashion disaster that she'd chosen, I went to blow dry my hair. Then it hit me, is this how God feels when He sees us choose to clothe ourseves in vanity, pride, selfishness, lack of compassion, or so many other things that He despises? Does He sit back, letting us "do our own thing", even though He sees the disaster? As His creation, He gave us free will, and we can make our own choices. Choices to either "put on love" like Colossians 3:14 says, or to turn away from what He longs for us to "wear".

Isaiah 64:6 says
" We are all infected and impure with sin.
When we display our righteous deeds,
they are nothing but filthy rags.
Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall,
and our sins sweep us away like the wind." (NLT)

When Isaiah was saying this, he was saying that the things the people did to bring glory to themselves are like nothing more than menstrual rags. That's right, back in that day, women on their period were were considered impure. They obviously didn't have the fancy feminine products that we have now, so they used literal rags to absorb their menstrual flow. I know it's a bit much to bring this up, but it's true. God sees our so-called "righteous deeds", they're as dirty and impure as a menstrual rag in His eyes.

So, what if when we start to dress more like He wants. What if, instead of putting on our filthy rags, we put on His goodness and righteousness. One meaning for righteousness is being shielded by God and receiving favor with Him. Honestly, who wouldn't want to be shielded by the Creator, to receive favor from our King?!? Sometimes we think we're good enough on our own to obtain this, so we do our own thing and expect Him to bless us for it. Others of us may not feel worthy of His favor, even though His grace and mercy are offered to every human, not just those that we think deserve it. His love brought Him to the cross, and His blood was shed to cover every sin and every sinner...from the rapist in prison to the child who knowingly steals a piece of candy from the corner store. There is no sin that is greater or less than the other, anything that is displeasing to God is a sin. Even sins of know, when you see something that is right to do and you do nothing. James 4:17 says "Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it." (NLT).

What's it gonna be...will you choose to put on His righteousness and be an example of His love to a dying world, or will you decide to lean on yourself and what you think is "in" at the moment. What if, for just this week, you lay everything at His feet, kind of like a spiritual "What Not To Wear", and let the greatest Designer clothe you in His favor and shield you in His hand. I'll be clearing out my closet this week, laying all of my filthy rags at His feet, asking Him to give me a new wardrobe, one that is pleasing to Him.

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